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Greensong ecopsychology


Greensong offers inspiring experiences to deeply connect people with self, community, and our natural world.

Greensong workshops and experiences focus on 3 core elements:


Attuning ourselves with reciprocal relationships, as a part of nature, through applied ecopsychology, eco-art therapy, deep ecology practices and therapeutic horticulture.


Environmental education, events, group activities and workshops, and professional development offerings aim to build skills, knowledge and increase our well-being and community connections.


Holistic permaculture landscape designs, consultations, and workshops provide a tangible and nurturing connection to our local environment.

CLICK on image for details and please contact for tailored workshops, to request a workshop or event, and for collaboration possabilites.

Greensong ecopsychology

"Instructions for living a life.  Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”  - Mary Oliver

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