Greensong Spirit dolls, eggs, hearts and figurines are needle-felted.
The 'heart' contains prayers, blessings, and offerings such as crystals, herbs and plants, and other natural materials chosen specifically for the recipient and/or their healing intent.
This ancient art was learnt with respect and gratitude to my teacher Julia Ingles. I encourage her to visit her website for her beautiful heart-felt work at Sacred Familiar and I highly recommend taking a course with her.

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PLEASE see INSTAGRAM for the most recent eco-art creations
Some words from recipients of dolls and talismans...

"It was such a gift to receive my spirit doll, my ancestor and a now, family heirloom. I felt a deep resonance from the moment I held her, such power and silent strength she radiates. Such beautiful details too! from the colours of the felt to the intricate symbols to the dried flowers and herbs preserved inside. Deb spends weeks with each doll, listening carefully and attentively to their wishes. such a special and unique gift to receive." - Shannon 2020.

"What a wonderful surprise to receive a beautiful spirit totem from Deb. She handed it to me saying this has been a really interesting process the only message I received was: "You will know" …. I was intrigued. Deb and I are close friends and I had from the start let go of any expectations or desired about the end product trusted the process and knew what ever evolved would be perfect … I opened the loosely wrapped totem to reveal a beautiful blue butterfly cocoon suspended from branch….. I felt goosebumps.. yes it is is perfect….like many of us i am a great lover of butterflies and for me they have always carried subliminal messages of transformation struggle transient beauty metamorphosis hope and renewal and the cocoon has been a reappearing symbol in my life at various points… so… yes…I knew….. Being an artist I am a visual person -it was a magical moment to receive such a meaningful visual message of something so important to me through Deb who had known previously nothing known. An affirmation again that we are all interconnected." - Karen 2021

"I received her on Thursday and was honored to sleep with her last night. Frankly, it was THE most profound night, full of dreams. I don't remember all of it but I have decided to keep a diary next to my bed. However, I had this sense of safety and belongingness that is hard to express in words. Deborah the peacock feathers spoke to me the most. I never told you, but growing up I had many peacock friends who used to come to my balcony. We have a long history together. You are amazing Deborah. Thank you so much for your time, energy, and effort. I feel you have channeled my spirit/s in that doll. I will keep listening and developing the connection. Deborah what you have given to me is invaluable. Grateful and deeply touched." - Anvita 2021
So Sorry, no dolls are currently for sale. New dolls for sale will be uploaded shortly. Please enquire about a bespoke doll.
Grandmother of The Flame and Magic Cup $180 SOLD
The Griefwalker $220 SOLD
Created in honour of Lost Species
Summer Fire $195 SOLD
The Singer of Tree Songs - GIFTED
created for the Solastalgia Eco-Art experience