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Writer's pictureDeborah Punton

Permaculture in Urban Landscape Design

Permaculture Design

“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.”

-Bill Mollison

During the 1970’s Bill Mollison and David Holmgren developed a system which included a design style mimicking nature, living in balance and harmony creating sustainable thriving communities and eco-systems. Permaculture is made up from 2 words, Permanent and Agriculture. It is based on a foundational ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. Fair share includes limiting consumption and population and redistribution of surplus.

Considering permaculture methods in Landscape Design caters for biodiversity with design shapes, placements, plant choices and integrating components the client desires with what is most beneficial for all system elements and entities.

"The aim is to create systems that are ecologically-sound and economically viable, which provide for their own needs, do not exploit or pollute, and are therefore sustainable in the long term."… "Permaculture uses the inherent qualities of plants and animals combined with the natural characteristics of landscapes and structures to produce a life-supporting system for city and country, using the smallest practical area."-Bill Mollison. (Introduction to Permaculture book)

Permaculture is the science and ethics of designing with patterns and interconnectivity within elements in Nature. The practical and down-to-earth approach to life systems using natural design concepts, works with nature rather than simply following anthropocenic models of farming and landscape design.

Diversity adds stability to an environment which leads to potential productivity. Systems within an element in our environment interact within the web of life with other elements. Permaculture design looks at the number of diverse connections within the setting and positioning elements within the design focuses on how each element benefits the system to be most effective and productive.

Permaculture is mindful of the nature of each element, looks at all energy systems and mimicking patterns already occurring within nature. Each element is provided with what it needs to thrive and be happy... and often thriving means producing excess.

Landscape Designs may be on a small scale or larger farming model as a Permaculture Design. Landscape Designers usually have Dip Landscape Design however it is really useful to have PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate) as this is where the understanding of the methods and principles comes in to design aspects. Some basic elements can be designed creating mini-ecosystems in a residential or commercial jobs.

FREE Permaculture Principles cards by Brett Pritchard

Thanks to these Permaculture people:

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